No.299, West Yangguang Road, Haicang District, Xiamen +86-0592-6511111
Kindomway's Five Products Series
Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural vitamin-like substance found in our cells and essential for energy production in every cell in our body. It plays an important role in heart health. A number of studies have also highlighted the potential of CoQ10 in antioxidant, anti-aging, skin health and brain health.

Vitamin D3

You probably already understand that calcium is good for your bones and helps ward off osteoporosis. But calcium can only reach its full bone-building potential if your body has enough vitamin D3. Calcium and vitamin D3 work together to protect your bones-calcium helps build and maintain bones, while vitamin D3 helps your body effectively absorb calcium. So the correct thing to do is to take calcium and vitamin D3 together. What’s more, in recent years, scientists around the world have published their findings showing that after 10 years of observation and study of large groups of people, vitamin D3 is helpful in preventing people from lymphoma, prostate, lung and skin cancer. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for vision, gene transcription, immune function, embryonic development and reproduction, bone metabolism, haematopoiesis, skin health, reducing risk of heart disease and cancer and antioxidant activity. 


DHA plays crucial role in neurological and visual development in infants. Adults also benefit from them regarding hear, brain, eye health, immune system, etc. They are widely used in infant formula products, healthcare products and many other nutrition fortified foods.


ARA plays crucial role in neurological and visual development in infants. Adults also benefit from them regarding hear, brain, eye health, immune system, etc. They are widely used in infant formula products, healthcare products and many other nutrition fortified foods.

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