No.299, West Yangguang Road, Haicang District, Xiamen +86-0592-6511111
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Company Profile
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Development History
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R&D And Innovation
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R&D And Innovation

As a global supplier of technology-driven nutrition ingredients, leading technology and continuous innovation is the core power of technology improvement and innovation.

Core technologies

Microbial Fermentation; Natural Product Extraction; Chemical Synthesis; Microencapsultion Separately Softgel Production

R&D team

-Technical Center of Food Nutrition Engineering, co-founded with Xiamen University, focusing on the research of nutritional fortifier.

-Microorganism Engineering Research Institute co-founded with Industrial Microorganism Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education.

-R&D centre, situated in the headquarters, consists of 130 academic professional staff.

Technical center

-Innovation Integration of application experience with own research and introduction of cutting edge technology.

-Investment on R&D per annum accounts for 4-5%of sales.

-Accredited as Technical Centre of Municipal, Provincial and National-level.

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